The restaurant menu of this type, as a rule, impresses with its diversity, therefore, ordering, for example, a banquet, you are most likely not to be disappointed. All of them have numerous regular customers and work at strictly defined hours.
Most often located in business districts, and those who experience a constant lack of time visit them.
Most often they offer their services around the clock and are located at bus, railway stations and airports.
The menu of the restaurant here, as a rule, is specific and designed for a certain range of customers. You can not find a dish of fish and meat here.
First of all, they attract a variety of exotic dishes and their primacy. As a rule, all restaurants of this type specialize in some one national cuisine (Thai, Mediterranean, Chinese, Ukrainian, Latin American, Japanese, Russian, etc.) and is almost always held by a representative of a certain diaspora. By the way, a banquet ordered in such an institution will surely impress the guests.
Always located near car parks or motorways. And in order to save drivers time, the latter are serviced directly in the car.
Such establishments are designed to serve residents in the hotel and work at reduced rates.
If you want, for example, to have lunch in a quick way, we advise you to choose places for self-service or to order a so-called, on-duty dish (or better, a comprehensive dinner). At the same time, in order not to get trapped and not to give all the available cash for lunch, do not be lazy to learn the restaurant's menu, which according to the rules should be posted at the entrance to any institution of this type. There should be separately noted and the same "duty dish", which is served in the shortest time and is relatively inexpensive ($ 5-10).
Also keep in mind that the approximate cost of your dinner can be assessed and the interior decoration of the restaurant. If there are linen white tablecloths and woven napkins on the tables, you can not count on an inexpensive "snack".